Parish Gifting Sunday
28 April 2024 Tēnā koe, On Sunday 28 April we celebrated the three T’s of giving in the parish — Time, Talent, and Treasure. Why give? The Catechism of the Catholic Church 2043 explains that one of the five precepts of the Catholic Church is to provide for the “material needs of the Church, each according to his own ability” (CCC 2043). All the richness we have are gifts from God in Jesus Christ. These gifts are meant to be shared for the good of all just as Jesus shared His divinity to enrich us all with dignity. Why the Church? The Church was given the Missionary Mandate by Christ before His Ascension “to make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:19). All of us, the people of God, are the Church. Therefore, generosity is encouraged toward the Church, so that she may always have what is necessary to live out this mission. How can we give?
To donate your “Time and Talent”, fill in the Time and Talent form and hand it in to the parish office. The personal information will be kept in our parish database and will be handled with utmost care under the Privacy Act. You also have the right to access any information held about you at any time, and correct that information, as the law states. The information you provide will only be used for parish purposes. If you do not wish your name and/or images to be published in the newsletter or any parish publication, please advise the office. Ngā mihi, Pā Dennis |